
National Scholarships

The NSDAR awards the following scholarships through the DAR Scholarship Committee. Scholarships are awarded without regard to race, religion, sex, or national origin. All four-year, or more, scholarships must be for consecutive years and are renewable only upon review and approval of annual transcript by respective NSDAR Chairman. All applicants must be citizens of the United States and attend an accredited college or university in the United States. The ONLY exception is the American Indian Scholarship which is also available for vocational training.

For detailed information, visit the NSDAR Scholarship page.

Scholarship For Michigan Veterans

The DAR of Michigan Rosamond P. Haeberle Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 to assist Michigan veterans in funding their post-secondary education goals.

For detailed information, visit the Rosamond P. Haeberle Memorial Scholarship page.

DAR Schools

Promotion of education to disadvantaged young people is one of the three primary objectives of the NSDAR. The DAR School Committee is responsible for DAR projects at the school founded by DAR State Society: Kate Duncan Smith DAR School (KDS), established in 1924 by the Alabama Daughters.

Much of the daily maintenance and repairs at KDS is done before and after school hours and on weekends with the assistance of student labor. Working scholarships provide payment for this work. The school receives financial assistance from the county and/or state for basic teachers’ salaries and pupil transportation. KDS is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, and the State Department of Education, and depends entirely on DAR contributions for most other expenses.

KDS was built in a remote, mountainous area, and was established where there would be no education if it were not for women of vision. DAR members serve as volunteers on the school board.

For detailed information, visit the DAR Schools page.

Community Classroom

The Community Classroom Committee seeks to encourage Daughters to volunteer to provide additional support to teachers and children in classrooms and schools in their own communities throughout the nation, as well as overseas. Education makes the difference for all children. DAR women provide a positive force for children who have difficult circumstances at home. Students at risk of school failure at all levels, preschool through high school, need extra assistance to develop skills and confidence to become responsible and productive citizens.

For detailed information, visit the DAR Educational Resources page.

DAR Good Citizen

The DAR Good Citizen program is a wonderful way to recognize outstanding young people who exhibit the qualities of good citizenship in their homes, schools, and communities.

The contest is held each fall; one senior may be selected per school. Chapter deadlines vary. Contact your local DAR chapter for the most current information about the next contest.

For detailed information, visit the DAR Good Citizen page.


Photos courtesy of Audrey Lambert, Piety Hill Chapter NSDAR and Pamela Hotary, Nipissing Chapter NSDAR.